Environmental Noise

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Measurement, prediction & evaluation of environmental noise

Akustikbüro K5 GmbH is a notified body according to §29b BImSchG and accredited test laboratory for environmental noise according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

We measure, evaluate and monitor the emissions and immissions of environmental noise of any kind, generated by power plants, construction sites, festivals or restaurants.

In addition, we carry out predictons of environmental noise immission  to determine the relevant noise pollution, propose measures to reduce noise emissions.

Assessment and prediction of

Our services

Information on leveling of sound reinforcement systems

For the operation of public address systems in restaurants and at events, the competent authority generally requires the leveling of the system.

In the case of an exceptional permit for events (pursuant to §10 LImSchG) or permits for public outdoor events (pursuant to §11 LImSchG), the permit may stipulate that the system must be levelled by a notified body pursuant to §29b BImSchG – we will be happy to do this for you and lend you the appropriate equipment (sound level limiters).

In the case of restaurants and discos, the competent authority often demands that the sound system be levelled as part of the approval process. The levelling is based on the standard values according to TA Lärm. In addition, the low-frequency noise (i.e. the basses) is evaluated according to DIN 45680.

For more information, please refer to our leaflets on the leveling of sound reinforcement systems:

Sound level limiting for events

Merkblatt Einpegelung von Veranstaltungen

Sound level limiting for bars, clubs and restaurants

Merkblatt Gaststätten

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Just give us a call or write an e-mail!